Banyuhay Aotearoa is building a directory of different businesses, companies, organisations, and individuals in Aotearoa New Zealand who are able to provide support to Filipino migrants who are struggling due to recent job loss. We will match the businesses with Filipino migrants based on location and their immediate needs.
Pledges can be one-off or ongoing for a given period.
Pledges can come in the form of:
ANY AMOUNT OF CASH - We accept cash donations, regardless of the minimal sum you are able to contribute.
FOOD PACKS - In addition to or in lieu of cash, you can also donate by providing food packs that can either be distribute yourself at your place of business, or which can be picked up by our team.
STORE DISCOUNT OR VOUCHERS - We are also accepting pledges for discounts struggling Filipino migrants can avail when they purchase at your store. Gift or petrol vouchers will also suit.
TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATIONS - Due to job loss, some Filipino migrants are in need of temporary accommodations while they are job searching as well.
COMPLIMENTARY SERVICES - Complimentary LEGAL, IMMIGRATION, and MENTAL HEALTH services are also most welcome.
Registration of pledges/support will be open all year round. Banyuhay Aotearoa will get in touch to coordinate the collection of donations or to the share contact information of the Filipino migrants who will most benefit from your offer of support or donation.
Banyuhay Aotearoa is working with Migrant Action Trust, Bulwagan Foundation Trust, and Migrante Aotearoa to provide timely assistance to Filipino migrants in need during this holiday season. We thank you for any form of support you can extend so we can make our kababayans (fellow Filipinos) feel a little bit of relief and comfort, not only this Christmas time, but on an ongoing, as-needed basis.